September 4, 2019 | Reading Time: < 1 minute
Open thread on my typo
Now’s the time to let me know what you think about this: What is Trump eroding the meaning of citizenship? Which should be this: Why is Trump eroding the meaning of citizenship? Go ahead. I can take it. (And I promise to do better!) —JS

Now’s the time to let me know what you think about this:
What is Trump eroding the meaning of citizenship?
Which should be this:
Why is Trump eroding the meaning of citizenship?
Go ahead. I can take it.
(And I promise to do better!) —JS

John Stoehr is the editor of the Editorial Board. Find him
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Hey- these are difficult times, be kind to yourself! We all make mistakes! Don’t ever let it happen again 😂❤️
Ha thanks.
I didn’t realize my subscription was so intimidating that you’d be flustered into a typo! Sorry about that 😬
et bonus dormitat Homerus
What’s your blood typo?
I’ve done worse. If you don’t have an editor besides yourself, the best method I know is to read it out loud before publishing. These things will usually jump out.
You could just read it as…. What, is trump eroding the meaning of citizenship (again)???
Everyone, even the best writers make mistakes.
No one I know walked on water on their way to the office, either, Jon. You’re doing a great job.