May 5, 2019 | Reading Time: 2 minutes
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Dear friends,
It’s come to my attention that some of you don’t know if you are subscribers. That may be due to how this whole she-bang is set up. So I wanted to take a minute to explain.
Some of you signed up. Some of you subscribed. You have to sign up to subscribe, but you don’t have to subscribe to sign up. Sign ups are free. But subscribers help the Editorial Board.
I need your help. I hope you’ll subscribe!
Which one are you? A sign up or a subscriber?
Check by clicking any of the red buttons. If the page says “Thank you for being a subscriber” after clicking the red button, you’re a subscriber. If it doesn’t say that, you’re not.
Please take a moment to click the red button below. If you’re not a member, join the Board today and get a month free! (Just follow the directions after clicking the red button.)
Many thanks!
—John Stoehr
What subscribers are getting to read!

Systemic Presidential Lawlessness
Trump plans on “fighting all the subpoenas.” What now?
What do you do when a populist demagogue who swore an oath to faithfully execute the laws of the land, and to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution, doesn’t?

To Fight Fox, Champion Free Press
Get reporters to see the threat of an “authoritarian news system.”
The president’s 40 percent approval rating is not simply the result of voter approval.

Impeachment Is Coming
The beginning stages of a much longer process are already underway.
Just because House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats aren’t using the magic word doesn’t mean things are not moving in that direction. They are.

John Stoehr is the editor of the Editorial Board. Find him
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