November 14, 2019 | Reading Time: 4 minutes

How Can Honest People Possibly Be Bored by Impeachment Hearings?

This is what happens when journalists dabble in art.

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Some of you know I used to teach a course at Yale on the history of presidential campaign reporting. My students read classics like The Making of the President (the 1960 election), Fear and Loathing on the Campaign Trail (1972), What It Takes (1988), and McCain’s Promise (2000, based on David Foster Wallace’s long essay “Up, Simba”).

For background, I read other books, like Game Change (2008), Double Down (2012) and even 08 (a graphic novel rendering of Michael Crowley’s trail diary). When reading the books as a canon, one thing I noticed—actually, I could hardly avoid noticing—is that campaign coverage increasingly became writing about campaign coverage itself.

Specifically, coverage increasingly centered on TV moments. Significantly, TV moments began shaping the authors’ understanding of American political history. Why did Kennedy win? Because Nixon looked so white on TV compared to the tanned and relaxed New England patrician that his mother called to ask if he were ill. Why did Bush lose in 1992? He checked his wristwatch during a live debate, showing that he was out-of-touch. Why did Howard Dean flame out in 2004? He growled in public.

Some pundits and straight news reporters are behaving as if they watched a play in three acts.

Presidential campaigns are infinitely layered and interwoven. When you think about it, there’s almost certainly no single explanation for why a candidate wins or loses. Elections are the accretion of a billion data points ending in a neck-snapping lurch. History’s complexity runs into journalism’s need for simplicity. Not much can be done about that. But journalism, since Teddy White, has gotten as lazy as it is profitable. Today’s pundits often have no historical imagination. TV moments are the truth.

They are not the truth. Even so, the press is a powerful force in a democracy. So powerful that when the press is wrong, everyone is wrong, and the results can be disastrous (e.g., media behavior in 2016). So it’s no small thing that after the start of a series of hearings into impeachable offenses by the president that some analysts and even straight-news reporters behaved as if they were watching a play in three acts.

From NBC:

From Reuters:

From CNN, before hearings began:

In fairness, these seem to be outliers. Most of the stories I have seen have privileged substance over style, though many headlines said these grave matters were also dramatic. Indeed, most reporters and political analysts focused on the revelation yesterday that the president talked to Gordon Sondland, the EU ambassador, about “the investigations” a day after Donald Trump asked Ukraine for a favor. The call took place in a Kiev restaurant where virtually all the world’s spies were likely listening.

If I’m picking on these outliers, I’m justified. For one thing, 2016. For another, the hunger for “pizzazz” among people who should know better is partly what neutered the impact of Robert Mueller’s testimony. Just as more Americans remember Mitt Romney’s “gaffes” more than anything else about his 2012 campaign, more people will probably remember Mueller looking feeble, as if the health of a Republican Marine Corps Vietnam War combat veteran who led the FBI after 9/11 had anything to do with his implied but clear conclusion that Donald Trump is an illegitimate president.

I’m justified also because this is not journalism. Journalists do not, or should not, have any business assessing aesthetics. That’s what critics do in visual arts, movies, TV, books, theater and music. Critics have authority to speculate how the arts affect an audience. Journalists don’t. Their authority is in the truth, not in beauty. When truth-tellers dabble in art, they make themselves vulnerable to manipulation. And indeed, the headlines I’m picking on are exactly what the Republicans have been seeking.

Editor’s note: Today’s edition is supported by 400 smart and caring readers who believe in the Editorial Board’s mission of talking about politics in plain English for the common good. Please, if you have not yet done so, consider becoming a paying subscriber. Thanks! —JS

Google “impeachment hearing” and “boring” to see what I mean. (Click here). The Republicans, as I said yesterday, cannot and will not address honestly and on its own terms the damning evidence of the president’s bribe-seeking. So they are doing whatever they can to confuse, conflate, redirect, deflect and slander. The strategy includes getting the public to believe there’s nothing new to see here; there’s nothing more serious than ordinary “partisan conflict.” Jeff Mason’s headline for Reuters is pretty much a classic example of amoral equivalence: “consequential, but boring.”

How can honest people possibly experience boredom at a time like this? According to Bill Taylor’s testimony, Sondland told the president that Ukraine was ready to deliver on “the investigations” that Trump demanded the day before (July 25). The call is more evidence that Trump extorted Vlodomyr Zelensky into being an accomplice in an illegal propaganda campaign that would not only smear his enemies (Joe Biden) but exonerate his friends (Russia’s Vladimir Putin.) The stakes here could not be higher.

This can’t be boring for another reason.

Former FBI Director James Comey captivated the world before the last election when he said Hillary Clinton, as secretary of state, didn’t do anything illegal using a private email server for classified information but she was, he said, “extremely careless.” Being careless with national security material was in part what sank her campaign. If she can’t be trusted to do that, how can she be trusted to be the president? And yet here have the current president of the United States placing a call to a public restaurant on an unsecured phone getting an update the day after he shook down Zelensky. Comey doesn’t matter, but I’m sure he’d used words stronger than “extremely careless.”

We’ll never know, however. It’s too boring.

—John Stoehr

John Stoehr is the editor of the Editorial Board. Find him


  1. abbyinsm on July 30, 2021 at 7:59 am

    The main person claiming that the hearings are boring is Jonathan Allen from NBC. This guy is simply an egotistical blowhard who made his name by trashing the candidate who got three million more votes than the current president, constantly repeating ideas that we now know were put forward by Russia (“her e-mails!” “Clinton Foundation is corrupt!”). I turn off MSNBC every time they let him bloviate. His lack of critical thinking ability is so obvious! Yesterday when I got the email from NBC saying the hearings “lack pizzazz” I opened the article wondering “who could have written this?” and laughed out loud when I saw his byline.

    • John Stoehr on July 30, 2021 at 7:59 am

      I hear you. I think the bigger problem is people like Jeff Mason at Reuters. He wrote “Consequential but dull.” Mason is the former president of the White House Correspondents Association. His influence surpasses Allen’s by far.

  2. Carrington Ward on July 30, 2021 at 7:59 am

    My immediate thought is that the job of correspondents is to sift through the boring detail and report the highlights — it’s why we pay them the big bucks. /s

    I wouldn’t do well as an historian with the final report:

    “Uh, yeah, the archives were boring, too much paper in there…”

    Perhaps these folks are in the wrong line of work.

  3. John Stoehr on July 30, 2021 at 7:59 am

    From MJ Rosenberg:

    I don’t watch any of the Trump shows: not impeachment, not Muller, not any of it.
    All that matters to me is how this all plays with the morons out there. I don’t need convincing,
    nor do I need ammunition as I don’t know any Trump supporters.
    I don’t watch MSNBC either. Or Morning Joe. Or any of it.

    Between WaPo, the Times, The Editorial Board and TPM, I’m fine thank you.
    However, I will (as in 2016) go to a battleground state for the last 10 days of the campaign
    in November. I can door knock for days. But don’t ask me to give myself a stroke
    by seeing Jim Jordan in his wrestling coach outfit.

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