August 12, 2022 | Reading Time: < 1 minute
Fighting at your side
I don’t want to beg.
Hi. I’m John. I run the Editorial Board. I do it for you. You signed up for free editions, which are the editions that I write. I’m grateful for your kind attention and time. This is the seedbed of democracy.
But I need you to put some skin in the game. I need you to subscribe. The Editorial Board is how I make a living. If good people like you don’t subscribe, then I can’t support myself or my family. (I can’t support my darling child who is the creator of the above illustration of her hair!)
And I can’t fight alongside you.
It’s not much. Just $6 a month (that’s $72 a year).
Or subscribe at the annual rate, $60 (17 percent off).
I don’t want to beg. You don’t want that either.
Please support the work that you value. THANKS!!!
Kansas reminds us that democracy is love
Alex Jones’ spontaneous cell death
The Republican Party’s anti-tax rhetoric is pro-sedition
Time for a revival of the democratic imagination
Garland would not approve searching Mar-a-Lago if the case against Trump were not airtight
Forget civil war. Think ongoing yearslong insurgency
John Stoehr is the editor of the Editorial Board. Find him
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