John Stoehr

John Stoehr is the editor of the Editorial Board. Find him .

Pro-life politics isn’t as moral as you think

April 15, 2021 /

It sidesteps, or accepts as necessary, a profound moral problem.

Militarized police should not be seen as normal and, therefore, acceptable parts of democratic life

April 14, 2021 /

These are small armies occupying American cities.

Better to be popular than bipartisan

April 13, 2021 /

The press corps fears being on the outside looking in.

Maybe we should take cops’ guns away

April 12, 2021 /

The people we trust to keep the peace don’t.

Senior Trump administration officials sabotaged public understanding of the covid. Drag ’em

April 9, 2021 /

We must demand some kind of justice.

Will the big business wing of the Republican Party stop the GOP’s retreat from the national stage?

April 8, 2021 /

Mitch McConnell’s backflipping provides a clue.

By standing for democracy, corporations are making it look like the Republicans stand against it

April 7, 2021 /


Don’t dismiss McConnell’s ‘warning’ to corporations

April 6, 2021 /

It reflects larger, historical forces at work.

No, Dems are not trying to cut taxes on the rich

April 5, 2021 /

Lifting the SALT cap is part of making taxes progressive.

Too many non-religious liberals are magnifying the preferred worldview of religious zealots

April 2, 2021 /

Secularization is not the absence of religion.