John Stoehr

John Stoehr is the editor of the Editorial Board. Find him .

Does being a billionaire mean being a liar?

June 28, 2021 /

ProPublica has tax returns suggesting an answer.

America’s dam problems • meritocracy myth • Biden’s border • united working class • where are the Black people, Mr. Packer? • war on women • Britney Spears’ disability

June 26, 2021 /

The weekend edition of the Editorial Board!

With infrastructure deals in sight, the Democrats might save democracy without gutting the filibuster

June 25, 2021 /

In politics, sometimes The Solution is one of many.

Republican-controlled state governments are in the early stages of forming their own thought police

June 24, 2021 /

Meanwhile, we’re busy defending critical race theory.

The ‘Tea Party’ is long dead, but a new fake ‘protest movement’ is in the making. See Loudoun County

June 23, 2021 /

Will the Washington press corps take notice? Probably.

Conservative Democrats keep telling stories about Republicans that Republicans keep blowing up

June 22, 2021 /

Will being made a fool change Joe Manchin’s mind? Probably.

No, the Republicans aren’t hypocrites

June 21, 2021 /

They mean what they say.

Trump transcended class divisions between white people. GOP governors are inflaming them

June 15, 2021 /

Race and class in America are indistinguishable.

Reasons for hard political hope

June 14, 2021 /

A lesson from Ralph Ellison

GOP loves the filibuster because they love gridlock • the covid didn’t come from a Chinese lab • the world Title IX made for us • who’s afraid of critical race theory? • plus John Stoehr’s week

June 12, 2021 /

The weekend edition of the Editorial Board!