John Stoehr

John Stoehr is the editor of the Editorial Board. Find him .

For white evangelical Protestants, the degradation of democracy is not regrettable. It’s desirable

July 13, 2021 /

The point is rule by God’s chosen.

Facts about the covid vaccinations are totally political, because all facts are totally political

July 12, 2021 /

We need a new consensus.

Republican gothic

July 9, 2021 /

Up is down, left is right, wrong is right.

Donny Deutsch’s gothic contempt for work

July 8, 2021 /

The very obscenely rich stand in the way of equality and freedom.

The Very Serious Debate Club

July 6, 2021 /

On Josh Barro and his ilk.

The unsung co-author of the Declaration of Independence who did not own slaves

July 5, 2021 /

Spare a thought for New Haven’s Roger Sherman.

The Republicans are hoping a white backlash will deliver victory in 2022. It’s not working so far

July 2, 2021 /

Maybe history isn’t on their side after all.

The will of the American people is becoming less important than the will of a Republican high court

July 1, 2021 /

In its latest ruling, SCOTUS internalizes Donald Trump’s Big Lie.

How can the same people criticize Black athletes for ‘disrespecting’ the flag but support insurrection?

June 30, 2021 /

The answer is about more than racism.

Our politics should revive the old democratic contempt for this country’s wannabe aristocrats

June 29, 2021 /

The valorization of wealth against the valorization of work.