John Stoehr

John Stoehr is the editor of the Editorial Board. Find him .

Better public transit • Simone Biles • innovation shortage? • politics’ Harvey Weinstein • the new YIMBYs • performative masculinity • RIP Richard Trumka • + John Stoehr’s week

August 7, 2021 /

The weekend edition of the Editorial Board!

The next time the GOP attempts a coup d’état, it won’t be loud. It will be quiet. It will be legal

August 6, 2021 /

The press and pundit corps should assume this in all political discourse.

We can enrage liars by telling them the truth or we can neutralize them by telling them to stop lying

August 5, 2021 /

The choice is ours. Time is running out.

People who desire a leader to save them from the humiliations of democracy are people who will do what they’re told

August 4, 2021 /

No, you’re wrong. The authoritarians among us do not want freedom.

The Harvey Weinstein of politics

August 4, 2021 /

The most damning account of sexual predation by a public official in living memory.

Here’s why a vaccine mandate would convince authoritarian holdouts to get the shot voluntarily

August 3, 2021 /

The key is understanding what they fear.

For all its sophistication, the Washington press corps exhibits a startling degree of naivete.

August 2, 2021 /

Lying isn’t a means to an agenda. For the GOP, it’s the agenda.

Everyone presumes a backlash is coming for the Democrats. The electorate has changed, though

July 30, 2021 /

Consider “law and order.”

The moment Capitol police honored their oath to put country over party is the moment they became partisans for America

July 29, 2021 /

The meaning of partisanship is rapidly changing.

The Republicans have made being an American a partisan issue. There are now two clear sides

July 28, 2021 /

That’s the inescapable conclusion from Tuesday’s testimony.