John Stoehr

John Stoehr is the editor of the Editorial Board. Find him .

‘This is what freedom looks like in America today’

August 25, 2021 /

Freedom demands rejecting the GOP’s bad faith.

Matt Robison interviews the EB’s Lindsay Beyerstein about the rise and fall of Andrew Cuomo

August 24, 2021 /

What can we take away from his story?

Alex Wise interviews the EB’s Rod Graham about the need for choosing color-consciousness over color-blindness

August 24, 2021 /

What bridge-building across race might look like.

Dear congressional Democrats, please stop conceding to the press corps’ bullshit. Thanks

August 24, 2021 /

The facts are on the president’s side. Act like it.

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August 23, 2021 /

Check out the website throughout the week for fresh hot takes.

America’s elites are inherently vulnerable to bad-faith arguments. So the pandemic is getting worse, not better

August 23, 2021 /

USA Today’s editor-in-chief claims to be answering “a higher calling.”

Bad civic health, our planet’s future is hot, the ‘personal responsibility’ con, school board wars, plus John Stoehr’s week

August 21, 2021 /

The weekend edition of the Editorial Board.

By centering ‘choice’ over obligation, the press enables a political minority to literally steal a political majority’s freedoms

August 20, 2021 /

Two words: delta variant. 

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August 19, 2021 /

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Biden’s ‘mistake’ wasn’t about Afghans. It was about ‘allowing’ Americans to see the profound failure of America’s elites

August 19, 2021 /

They think he should have kept things quiet.