John Stoehr

John Stoehr is the editor of the Editorial Board. Find him .

Whatever happens to Roe, it will be the consequence of six conservative justices choosing to believe authoritarian lies

August 31, 2021 /

If the sanctity of an individual embryo’s life were as important as they say it is, a half-century-old anti-abortion movement would not exist.

Matt Robison interviews the EB’s Mia Brett: A Turning Point on Abortion in America

August 31, 2021 /

Abortion vigilantism? Yes.

Will vaccine mandates spark right-wing violence? Maybe, if the authoritarians believe what they say. Most don’t, though

August 30, 2021 /

Violent rhetoric is a feature, not a bug.

Before the weekend’s over …

August 29, 2021 /

Please support the Editorial Board.

I can’t do this alone

August 28, 2021 /

The common good needs your support.

Dems playing chicken, ‘desirable’ immigrants, Afghan sanctions, climate horsemen, anti-trans laws, plus John Stoehr’s week

August 28, 2021 /

The weekend edition of the Editorial Board!

Will GOP voters go to war with corporations over new vaccine mandates? That would require personal sacrifice, though

August 26, 2021 /

They’ll obey, like good authoritarians.

‘This is what freedom looks like in America today’

August 25, 2021 /

Freedom demands rejecting the GOP’s bad faith.

Matt Robison interviews the EB’s Lindsay Beyerstein about the rise and fall of Andrew Cuomo

August 24, 2021 /

What can we take away from his story?

Alex Wise interviews the EB’s Rod Graham about the need for choosing color-consciousness over color-blindness

August 24, 2021 /

What bridge-building across race might look like.