John Stoehr

John Stoehr is the editor of the Editorial Board. Find him .

With new anti-CRT laws, the Republicans give the impression they stand against brainwashing. But their goal is brainwashing

October 27, 2021 /

“Critical race theory” is 21st-century McCarthyism.

Why isn’t the covid pandemic over? White supremacy

October 25, 2021 /

The common good isn’t common. It isn’t good. It’s the enemy.

Reclaiming ‘entitlement,’ bye-bye TJ, gerrymanders, Big Biz Gospel, Haitian kids, real Colin Powell obit, plus John Stoehr’s week

October 23, 2021 /

The weekend edition. Please subscribe!

Why does a democratic republic founded in opposition to monarchy tolerate billionaires?

October 22, 2021 /

They are never self-made.

Creating a counter-conservatism

October 21, 2021 /

Make more room in the Democratic Party.

Not your dad’s conservatives: Today’s GOP wants candidates to say how they’ll use the state to keep white people on top

October 20, 2021 /

See Glenn Youngkin’s vow to ban “CRT.”

Is the white backlash working? Virginia’s race for governor might have the answer

October 19, 2021 /

It’s not just a locals only election.

When democracy is at stake, policies are secondary. The only question is this: Do you want the assholes to be in charge?

October 18, 2021 /

The press and pundit corps are not normal people.

The world always seems like it’s ending. And then it doesn’t. We’ll get through this together

October 17, 2021 /

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Why Washington is afraid of Facebook, a slow-motion coup, elevating reverence for teachers, plus John Stoehr’s week

October 16, 2021 /

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