John Stoehr

John Stoehr is the editor of the Editorial Board. Find him .

The Republican death drive: Refusing to sacrifice anything means sacrificing everything

January 26, 2022 /

Why are they killing themselves? Let’s turn to Sigmund Freud.

Are law enforcement officers above the law? Yes. By how much? A new report tells us

January 25, 2022 /

Another and profitable layer of protection against police accountability.

‘Voting is not limited to or guaranteed to citizens’

January 24, 2022 /

The difference between citizens and non-citizens isn’t what you think.

Southern politics, Biden’s first year, FBI informants, tribal sovereignty, fake election docs, bad Vlad, life after Roe and more

January 22, 2022 /

The week that was.

Tucker Carlson and Fox as ‘Fifth Column’ in the US, and other things you need to know about threats of war in Ukraine

January 21, 2022 /

“No invasion will be a minor incursion. It will cost lives and destroy communities. For Ukraine’s sake, I hope the west understands this.”

The real Americans versus the ‘real Americans’

January 20, 2022 /

There can be only one right side.

Mistakes were made …

January 19, 2022 /

To err is me, sometimes.

A world without Roe is, for women, a world of social standing cut in half

January 18, 2022 /

“It always seems over-the-top to say women will be second-class citizens, but that will absolutely be the case.”

White south = mini-Russia

January 17, 2022 /

Please support our work.

Martin Luther King Jr would have understood that the line connecting Vladimir Putin and Donald Trump runs through Dixie

January 17, 2022 /

The American south as mini-Russia.