John Stoehr

John Stoehr is the editor of the Editorial Board. Find him .

Should billionaires exist? 

April 11, 2022 /

Let’s answer that question before talking about “their fair share.”

Hi. I’m John

April 9, 2022 /

I’m not asking for much.

The four stages of ‘groomer speech’

April 8, 2022 /

We’re used to seeing conservatives accuse the powerless of sex crimes. We’re not used to seeing them accuse the powerful of the same.

The break up of Big Business and the GOP isn’t happening. It already happened. Will the Democrats seize the opportunity?

April 7, 2022 /

The Republican Party’s entrenchment of “a heteronormative view of a Eurocentric patriarchal America” is bad for business.

You’ve been on the free list a long time

April 7, 2022 /

Now’s the time to step up!

Ginniclarence Thomas and the appearance of moral corruption

April 5, 2022 /

Enter George F. Will for a round of pooh-poohing. 

Genocide ‘for all to see’ — except the Russian people. They’re getting the Fox treatment

April 4, 2022 /

“Who would want to give up the lies for a version in which their sons died committing atrocities against an innocent people? Nobody.”

The Editorial Board is a group effort you feel good supporting

April 2, 2022 /

We got a nice thing going.

She reviewed it 35 years ago but didn’t realize it was foundational to white nationalists. Here’s how she understands the book now

April 1, 2022 /

Fern Schumer Chapman (and Jane Elliott) on The Birth Dearth.

Is the Republican Party a hate group? Is there a difference now that it has mainstreamed ‘the great replacement’?

March 30, 2022 /

White supremacy is the tie that binds all GOP issues.