John Stoehr

John Stoehr is the editor of the Editorial Board. Find him .

They want to outlaw the abortion pill, but they don’t want liberal states to protect their sovereignty. Guess what?

April 12, 2023 /

Rightwing politics presumes there won’t be a reaction.

Silencing dissent is the point

April 11, 2023 /

The pattern in Tennessee is repeating itself nationwide.

Wisconsin, antiabortion politics and the Republican death drive

April 10, 2023 /

The problem isn’t messaging.

Clarence Thomas is telling on himself

April 7, 2023 /

And hoping you won’t notice.

Trump’s biggest problem? People already know he’s a cheater

April 6, 2023 /

This is not a court of law so much as a court of public opinion.

Do prosecutors smell blood now?

April 5, 2023 /

Given what we saw yesterday, Donald Trump is no longer capable.

Today, investigators are asking themselves: How weak is he?

April 4, 2023 /

If strong, expect nothing. If weak, expect Trump to stumble under the weight of everything that’s been sticking to him for years.

Why the Republicans incite violence

April 3, 2023 /

Josh Hawley is more dangerous than you know.

I started the Editorial Board to provide some light in the darkness. Now Trump’s indicted

April 1, 2023 /

I hope you’ll join us today.

It happened. He’s indicted. But they’ll vote for him still

March 31, 2023 /

The misunderstood meaning of loyalty among supporters.