John Stoehr

John Stoehr is the editor of the Editorial Board. Find him .

Why does Trump still surprise some of my liberal brethren?

August 7, 2023 /

We’re all in this together, like it or not.

Trump’s ‘pile-on effect’

August 4, 2023 /

The weaker he is, the weaker he becomes.

Mike Pence can choose to go down a hero rather than a loser

August 3, 2023 /

He can’t win, so why not testify against Donald Trump?

Conflict with Trump should be the least of Pence’s worries

August 2, 2023 /

History is against him. 

Alito’s chattiness is damning

July 31, 2023 /

The more he talks, the more his words will be used against him.

I don’t ask for much

July 29, 2023 /

Just one new subscriber is all I need.

A Republican extremist has found a reason to be coy

July 28, 2023 /

That’s what happens when you fear defeat by a Democrat.

Kevin McCarthy caves and caves, then he caves some more

July 27, 2023 /

Like all abusers, his conference keeps moving the standard on him.

Face it, Ron DeSantis is losing because he’s bad at this

July 26, 2023 /

He’s misreading the mood of his own party.

For Trump’s Christian supporters, religion and politics are one

July 24, 2023 /

They’re not pretending otherwise. The rest of us shouldn’t either.