John Stoehr

John Stoehr is the editor of the Editorial Board. Find him .

The Truth about the Steny Hoyer Tape

April 27, 2018 /

The Intercept thinks it caught the Democratic Party red-handed. It didn’t.

Mick Mulvaney Shows Why GOP Corruption Is a Win-Win

April 26, 2018 /

Voters might punish GOP politicians in November for allowing corruption to flourish in the open, but the Republican Party won’t suffer.

The Politics of Pitying the First Lady

April 25, 2018 /

Is Melancholia Trump beyond compassion?

Paul Ryan’s Fight Over Food Stamps Has Expired

April 24, 2018 /

How the relationship between work, civil rights and government action is changing.

Will Connecticut Dems Exploit the Coming ‘Taxpocalypse’?

April 24, 2018 /

If they’re smart.

After Trump’s Election, a Smarter Republic

April 23, 2018 /

The people are reassessing the abstract theory of Trump in light of the pragmatic experience of him.

So Much Depends on Intellectual Dishonesty

April 20, 2018 /

If sanctuary cities were breaking the law, there’d be reason for rage. They aren’t. Plus: ‘social cohesion’ and more on tyranny.

Tyranny. This Is Tyranny

April 19, 2018 /

Name this evil.

The Left Wants to #AbolishICE. It Should Want Open Borders, Too

April 18, 2018 /

All the old arguments–over the wall, amnesty, “illegals”–would die. Hallelujah.

To Get Around the Electoral College, Ignore It

April 17, 2018 /

Look to Maine for a better alternative.