John Stoehr

John Stoehr is the editor of the Editorial Board. Find him .

Civil Society, Antifa’s Silent Partner

August 14, 2018 /

Is antifa winning? Yes, and no.

Will ‘Save the President’ Work? Probably Not.

August 10, 2018 /

Americans tend to vote against things they know, not for things they don’t.

What Trump Can Teach Us About Political Cycles of Boom and Bust

August 8, 2018 /

Some Democrats blame Obama for letting his party wither. It’s not that simple.

Is It Time to Debate GOP Loyalty?

August 7, 2018 /

Not yet, but given Rand Paul’s trip to Moscow, that time is coming.

For Republicans, a Time for Choosing

August 6, 2018 /

Over time, Trump supporters will be forced to choose Russia or America.

The Media’s Addiction to Storytelling

August 3, 2018 /

Public opinion would be healthier with more analysis, less ‘narrative.’

Magical Thinking Makes Us Vulnerable

August 2, 2018 /

A bulwark against Russian information warfare is better, smarter, and more empirical punditry.

The End, When It Comes, Will Come Quickly

July 31, 2018 /

Conviction will override truth right up to the hour of Republican defeat.

Trade War + Russia = Weakness

July 30, 2018 /

One poll says Trump’s losing support in the Midwest. Another says he’s not tough enough on Russia.

Who Do You Trust, Cohen or Trump?

July 27, 2018 /

Cohen’s claim is a game-changer. Do you believe it? The media should help decide.