John Stoehr

John Stoehr is the editor of the Editorial Board. Find him .

Why Is Ted Cruz, in Texas, Just Barely Ahead of Beto O’Rourke?

September 12, 2018 /

Yes, the president is unpopular. But there’s more to it than that.

When the Old Rule with Impunity

September 11, 2018 /

Pride, or fist-pumping, comes before the fall.

Women are the Democratic Base

September 10, 2018 /

That’s why the Senate is in play.

Kavanaugh and Mueller Are the Same Story

September 7, 2018 /

Kamala Harris revealed an apparent link.

Anonymous Is Trump’s Fortuneteller

September 6, 2018 /

The center of power is moving away from the president. He’s too weak to stop it.

Is Brett Kavanaugh a Legitimate Nominee?

September 5, 2018 /

The question begins with Mitch McConnell and ends with Fred Guttenberg.

Brett Kavanaugh Is Why We Need Voting Reform

September 4, 2018 /

The 2014 midterms are the root of the constitutional order’s “breaking point.”

Trump Exposed the Left’s Fault Lines

August 31, 2018 /

Leftist intellectuals are divided—over Russia, and more.

Don’t Overthink Impeachment

August 30, 2018 /

The Mueller probe matters, but we shouldn’t undervalue what we already know.

Schumer Made the Right, Costly, Decision

August 29, 2018 /

40 years of Democratic complacency about federal courts is the real problem.