John Stoehr

John Stoehr is the editor of the Editorial Board. Find him .

The Republicans Will Die on This Hill

September 27, 2018 /

And the Democrats must prepare to exploit their death.

On Kavanaugh, Democrats Don’t Need the High Ground

September 26, 2018 /

They have it but don’t need it, because Merrick Garland.

Mitch McConnell Is Undermining SCOTUS’ Legitimacy

September 25, 2018 /

The more he presses for Kavanaugh, the more he undercuts the court.

What’s Bad for Rosenstein Is Bad for Kavanaugh

September 24, 2018 /

In trying to oust the deputy attorney general, the president is strengthening the Democratic argument against his SCOTUS nominee.

Plain Talk about Christine Blasey Ford’s Timing

September 21, 2018 /

Plus: Sheldon Whitehouse hints at investigating Justice Brett Kavanaugh.

Confirming Kavanaugh Is Like Confessing

September 20, 2018 /

Confessing what? That nothing matters but power. Men’s power.

Christine Blasey Ford Sets the Terms

September 19, 2018 /

Will Trump and the Republicans move forward without her consent?

Not Your Father’s Democratic Party

September 18, 2018 /

It’s your mother’s.

Not Just a Men’s Club

September 17, 2018 /

Amid new and credible allegations, confirming Brett Kavanaugh would now send a clear anti-women message before the midterms.

Don’t Underrate the Power of Revenge

September 14, 2018 /

What’s powering the Trump backlash? Payback, pure and simple.