John Stoehr

John Stoehr is the editor of the Editorial Board. Find him .

Eric Holder Breaks the Taboo

October 11, 2018 /

His remarks indicate that one side of an internal debate is winning.

No Going Back to Civility

October 10, 2018 /

The old Democratic guard wants to restore comity. Ignore them.

Don’t Believe (Your Party’s) Hype

October 9, 2018 /

Republicans, and some Democrats, are telling themselves tall tales.

Reality Check, Post-Kavanaugh

October 8, 2018 /

The Democratic strategy didn’t backfire. It just failed to work.

Russians Deepened Pattern Set by Republicans

October 5, 2018 /

The 2000 election was the start of a judicial coup. 2018 is its apex.

The GOP Is About to Poison SCOTUS

October 4, 2018 /

The Democrats, meanwhile, must prepare to heal it.

The GOP Mob’s Descent into Sadism

October 3, 2018 /

The president thinks #MeToo is on trial in November. He’s wrong.

GOP Believes Voters Will Punish Dems for Kavanaugh

October 2, 2018 /

But the more they attack Democrats, the more the Republicans alienate women.

What the Kavanaugh Investigation Really Means

October 1, 2018 /

It’s not the the last step in confirming him. It’s the first step in reforming the Supreme Court.

The Republicans Compromised Kavanaugh to Confirm Him

September 28, 2018 /

The Democrats can now use his partisan rampage against him.