John Stoehr

John Stoehr is the editor of the Editorial Board. Find him .

Yes, We’re All Fighting. But That Doesn’t Matter

October 25, 2018 /

What matters is what we’re all fighting for.

Never-Trump Republicans, Please Pick a Side

October 24, 2018 /

When the president marks people as the enemy, there is no center.

Voting and the Practice of Liberal Virtue

October 23, 2018 /

Voting matters even if your vote isn’t counted.

Civility Isn’t Dead. It’s Just on Vacation.

October 22, 2018 /

A consensus on public behavior will return after the battle is won.

On Health Care, Republicans Can’t Run from the Past

October 19, 2018 /

“Na na na na, na na na na, hey hey hey, goodbye.”

Will Trump Side with a Cold-Blooded Killer?

October 18, 2018 /

In a way, we’re going to see a repeat of Helsinki before the midterms.

The Khashoggi Story Isn’t Only about Human Rights. It’s about Emoluments, Too.

October 17, 2018 /

Now would be a good time to see President Donald Trump’s tax returns.

A New Order Struggles to Emerge

October 16, 2018 /

But it won’t as long as the country is in the grip of gerontocracy.

Conflict Now, Civility Later

October 15, 2018 /

Conflict is natural when one political order is slowly giving way to another.

Yes, We Get the Government We Deserve

October 12, 2018 /

Liberals hate that expression, but don’t blame me. Blame people who don’t vote.