John Stoehr

John Stoehr is the editor of the Editorial Board. He writes the daily edition. Find him @johnastoehr.

Post-Mueller, Who Do You Trust?

March 27, 2019 /

There are a million ways of speaking factually while speaking untruthfully.

Free Speech Idiocy Is Killing Us

March 26, 2019 /

The cost of failing to engage in a morally complex debate.

The Liberal Evangelists

March 25, 2019 /

Democrats are spreading the word of the religious left.

Beto and the Temptation of Texas

March 22, 2019 /

With Texas, a Democrat could lose all states Hillary Clinton lost, and win.

On Impeachment, the Onus Is Shifting

March 21, 2019 /

We know the political case against it. Here’s one for it.

Sirota Is Worse Than Conway

March 20, 2019 /

Attack dogs are fine. Frauds are not.

It’s Settled: Trump Is a Racist

March 19, 2019 /

How the press contributes to the politicization of everything.

Trump Didn’t Rewrite Rules of Republican Economics

March 18, 2019 /

The president is the product of an ideological evolution already underway.

The Guns of Bernie Sanders

March 15, 2019 /

Too few know of his vote for “gun manufacturer immunity.”

Corruption Corrodes Everything, Everyone

March 14, 2019 /

Shep Smith is a legit journalist. He’s also a front for GOP demagoguery.