John Stoehr

John Stoehr is the editor of the Editorial Board. Find him .
Don’t stop speaking the plain truth about this “Russian asset.”
I sparked a teeny-tiny debate Monday. The subject of yesterday’s Editorial Board was nationalism. I made the case that the president, contrary to popular opinion, actually hates nationalism. Nationalism, I said, is about equality. Donald Trump hates equality. Ergo, he hates nationalism. I was being a bit cheeky. Too cheeky? The president is of course…
In the process, he hates America, too.
Note: Please do your part. Support the Editorial Board. It costs less than Starbucks every day! —— I felt uneasy after writing a few weeks ago that the Republican Party wants to kill you. That’s a pretty shocking thing to say, and I thought I might have gone too far. But then something happened. The…
Looks like Jerry Nadler wanted to do it without looking like he was doing it, and from what I can tell, he succeeded. The Democratic chairman of the House Judiciary Committee announced today his panel would file suit to force the release of grand jury information from Robert Mueller’s investigation. He did it on a…
There’s more than one way to hold a president accountable.
I have been reading Ed Kilgore since he was blogging for the Washington Monthly. With amazing consistency, Ed is sensible, sober, well-reasoned, stubborn (gracefully) and deeply moral. So when someone I respect as much as Ed calls on us to consider the moral consequences of a second Trump term, as a result of potentially blowing…
Ian Millhiser says it doesn’t give us a way to get rid of bad presidents. Impeachment? No. He calls that “a paper tiger”: There should be a way to remove a criminal president from office, but the impeachment power ain’t it. The power of impeachment is a paper tiger, largely unused throughout American history, and…
If nothing matters but power, Trump can do no wrong.
Below is the Times’ Maggie Haberman. She tweeted this yesterday. She’s defending an earlier tweet (see the screenshot) in which she agreed with her Times colleague Adam Goldman that yesterday’s Mueller hearing didn’t reveal anything new and therefore had very little worth paying attention to. Fact: Mueller said Trump could be charged with crimes after…