John Stoehr

John Stoehr is the editor of the Editorial Board. Find him .

How Can Honest People Possibly Be Bored by Impeachment Hearings?

November 14, 2019 /

This is what happens when journalists dabble in art.

QT: Schiff focusing in bribery

November 13, 2019 /


Our Ignorance Is Trump’s Defense

November 13, 2019 /

The less you understand, the better for him.

QT: Killing ourselves over etiquette

November 12, 2019 /

Chuck Schumer said something nice about Peter King.

Trump’s Interests Are Not America’s

November 12, 2019 /

As impeachment hearings begin, remember the big picture.

QT: Is Trump’s Base Weakening?

November 11, 2019 /

Martin Longman thinks so

Bloomberg’s Trial Balloon Shows Why the Political Press Is Out of Touch

November 11, 2019 /

His base is other media executives. That’s it.


November 11, 2019 /

A special event in New Haven.

A Boomer’s ‘OK, Boomer’?

November 9, 2019 /

Every generation has its disappointments.

Can Kamala Harris Win Iowa?

November 8, 2019 /

On Harris, Joe Biden and black Democrats.