John Stoehr

John Stoehr is the editor of the Editorial Board. Find him .

How Four Scholars Moved Democrats to Act on Articles Impeachment

December 5, 2019 /

Truth alone can’t prevail. Only truth plus power can.

When Does Ordinary Republican Partisanship Turn into Treason?

December 3, 2019 /

The president is already there. His party is close behind.

Democratic Unity Matters More Than Any One Democratic Candidate

December 2, 2019 /

Don’t worry about turnout. Don’t worry about electability.

Donald Trump, Fascist Politics and the Right Side of American History

November 29, 2019 /

White liberals don’t believe things can, and will, get worse.

Even more gratitude

November 28, 2019 /

I was feeling pretty low when I lost my day-job last month. I wasn’t all that hopeful either. No matter what sort of writing I had done over the last 20 years, I’ve always maintained a steady income. Hope returned after I asked you for help. There was an overwhelming response. About 50 people became…

What If Donald Trump Is Just As Christian As Evangelicals Are?

November 27, 2019 /

There is no paradox.

Yes, public hearings moved the needle

November 26, 2019 /

Politico reports today that impeachment hearings didn’t do much to hurt the president’s standing among Republicans. While this is true, it’s not the whole truth, and reporters ought to know better. Support for impeachment is now at 50 percent, per Politico and Morning Consult. That’s three points higher than last week. Three points isn’t a…

Biden Is Righteously Pissed. Good

November 26, 2019 /

Lindsey Graham is lying maliciously about Hunter.

A Russian novel’s worth of characters

November 25, 2019 /

I worried today’s Editorial Board would be so packed with names that people would stop reading after the third paragraph. I suppose that’s the risk I took in deciding to write about an actual criminal conspiracy involving the leaders of two countries and a Russian novel’s worth of minor characters. Even so, I still worried,…

Is Devin Nunes a Witness to an International Criminal Conspiracy?

November 25, 2019 /

The president’s strongest House defender faces new questions.