John Stoehr

John Stoehr is the editor of the Editorial Board. Find him .

Actually, No. Trumpism Did Not Replace Conservative Ideology

December 17, 2019 /

The former rose from the latter.

Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats Have Begun Reclaiming Republicanism

December 16, 2019 /

The Democrats are more like the framers than most people think.

Republican Kids Count. Yours Don’t

December 13, 2019 /

What’s good for Barron Trump isn’t good for Greta Thunberg.

To the GOP, Trump’s Illegitimacy May Be an Acceptable Price for Power

December 12, 2019 /

The Republican Party’s monarchy gap is closing.

William Barr’s Lies Aren’t Just Malicious. They’re Treasonous

December 11, 2019 /

He’s no principled champion. He’s a disloyal partisan.

Stop Dismissing Donald Trump’s Malicious Lies as Conspiracy Theory

December 10, 2019 /

The intent isn’t just to deceive. It’s to harm.

Donald Trump Opens the Door to Saudi Arabian Interference

December 9, 2019 /

With Russia, memes. With the Kingdom, bullets.

Against All Enemies, Foreign and Domestic

December 6, 2019 /

The Republicans justified anything, even betrayal.

me on Alex Wise’s radio show

December 6, 2019 /

Alex Wise is from New Haven. He’s also the host of Sea Change Radio, a weekly program covering the shift to social, environmental, and economic sustainability. Alex took a break from climate change issues to talk to me about religion. He subscribes to the Editorial Board. He’d read with interest two pieces I wrote last…

me on Ian Masters’ radio show

December 5, 2019 /

Ian Masters is the host of Background Briefing, a public radio program in LA. He invited me on to talk about Tuesday’s Editorial Board, “When Does Ordinary Republican Partisanship Turn into Treason?” I try explaining my theory about why someone like Donald Trump can lie so much. Let me know how I did. Cheers! —JS…