John Stoehr

John Stoehr is the editor of the Editorial Board. Find him .

Trump Timed Soleimani’s Death for Impact Before Senate Trial Begins

January 13, 2020 /

Nancy Pelosi has more leverage than you think.

The Wall Street Journal Accidentally Reports the Plain Truth about Soleimani’s Assassination

January 10, 2020 /

Yup, it was because of Trump’s impeachment.

Mike Lee and Rand Paul Can Put Up or Shut Up

January 9, 2020 /

Please dear liberals, don’t be so gullible.

Just Say It: Trump Had Soliemani Killed Because He Was Impeached

January 8, 2020 /

Fortunately, normal people are connecting the dots.

Did Trump Stand to Gain by Ordering Soleimani’s Death? He Thought So

January 7, 2020 /

Again, it’s backfiring.

Why Doesn’t Anyone Believe Donald Trump? Because He was Impeached

January 6, 2020 /

Impeachment was the end of his supply of benefit-of-the-doubt.

Weekend reads: ICYMI

January 4, 2020 /

The president changed the subject with intimations of war.

The Republican Party’s Loyalty to Lies

January 3, 2020 /

Perverting patriotism to once again justify war in the Middle East.

Parties Aren’t Static

January 2, 2020 /

Julian Castro is out, but his ideas will live on in the Democratic nominee.

Democracy Is the Source of Trump’s Pain

December 31, 2019 /

A scared little man is exposed daily for being scared and little.