John Stoehr

John Stoehr is the editor of the Editorial Board. Find him .

Stop the Nonsense about the Working Class. 2016 Was a Revolt of the Petite Bourgeois

February 18, 2020 /

Don’t appeal to voters immune to “health care, health care, health care.”

Trump’s Secret Police?

February 18, 2020 /

Things are heading in that direction.

Border Patrol as Trump’s Secret Police?

February 17, 2020 /

History and current events point in that direction.

ICYMI: All Hail King Don

February 16, 2020 /

And other stories you missed last week.

ICYMI: Info Warfare, Robert Mueller, Bill Barr, Dem Primaries and His Majesty King Donald

February 15, 2020 /

What you missed this week.

Principled or Patsy? Interpreting Barr

February 14, 2020 /

How much benefit of the doubt are you willing to give him?

Let’s Talk About How We Talk About Politics

February 13, 2020 /

More political reality, less political fiction. Please.

Sounds like treason to me

February 12, 2020 /

I sometimes find myself thinking the same thoughts as Greg Sargent, the Post columnist. Greg ran an interview today with former Department of Justice Inspector General Michael Bromwich. They talked about the president’s urging Bill Barr’s DOJ to go easy on Roger Stone, which, by definition, is an obstruction of justice. Here’s what struck me…

Is Mueller in Trump’s Crosshairs?

February 12, 2020 /

The president is not going to settle for pardons.

Iowa doesn’t matter, a gothic SOTU, Trump’s illegitimacy & presidential revenge!

February 9, 2020 /

ICYMI: Weekend reads.