John Stoehr

John Stoehr is the editor of the Editorial Board. Find him .

A tree (and hope) grows in New Haven

March 28, 2020 /

I’m told my writing can be bleak. I suppose that’s true. That’s not my intent, though. My intent is to talk about politics and the political past plainly so we can take future action. Most often, we the people misunderstand our politics, and take the wrong action. American history shows us taking one step forward,…

No, Trump Is Not ‘Out-Flanking’ Democrats

March 27, 2020 /

Though loud, these leftists are wrong.

Amid a Viral Pandemic, the Republicans Reveal Their Contempt for Working Americans

March 26, 2020 /

It’s the result of a market ideology in deep decay.

My child’s view of the president

March 26, 2020 /

I don’t write about my daughter because that’s best tack to take for a public forum like the Editorial Board. I do want to share something she did recently, though. ERS is 8. She’s sensitive and caring and precocious. After I asked her to draw a picture of how she feels about the president, she…

Don’t Underestimate GOP Masochism

March 24, 2020 /

Some Republicans will die to make a point.

Acting Responsibly Means GOP Loses

March 23, 2020 /

They won’t do that. Not even during a plague.

Who’s a good boy?

March 22, 2020 /

A special message from the Stoehr family dog, Hades.

Speaking plainly about politics

March 21, 2020 /

The AP ran a story in late February in which it was clear the president was reluctant to act in response to the new coronavirus outbreak because he did not want to upset Chinese President Xi Jinping. The Post ran a story last night in which it was clear the US intelligence community warned Donald…

The Ideology of Richard Burr’s Corruption

March 20, 2020 /

It can be found in Trump’s “story of life.”

Trump’s ‘War Against the Chinese Virus’

March 19, 2020 /

Here’s what it means.