John Stoehr

John Stoehr is the editor of the Editorial Board. Find him .

Do Republicans think Trump will lose?

May 11, 2020 /

The Post’s Paul Waldman thinks the Republicans are preparing for Donald Trump to lose. That’s why they are talking up deficit reduction and cost cutting when they should be talking about doing everything—anything—possible to save the president. If you thought Trump could still win, your best move would be to give the economy the biggest…

Trump Is Appeasing the ‘Invisible Enemy’

May 8, 2020 /

The enemy of the GOP’s enemy is its friend.

Contempt for Trump’s Cowardice

May 7, 2020 /

A president without courage is a president without trust.

We need to talk about Trump’s cowardice

May 6, 2020 /

The president said today the coronavirus pandemic has been worse than Pearl Harbor and the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001. At the same time, he said his focus is “reopening” the economy, even if that means “some people” die. Now imagine FDR, or George W. Bush, saying, “Ignore the tragedy. Let’s get back to…

Trump Is on Track to Smash George W. Bush’s Body-Count Record

May 6, 2020 /

Instead of Iraqis, they’ll be Americans.

A Deadly Lie to Rival George W. Bush’s

May 6, 2020 /

Remember this? This was the lie of the last Republican administration. Donald Trump is terrible, but even he has to put some effort into catching up with George W. Bush’s all-time whopper, a lie told to America to justify invading a country that did us no harm and that led to the deaths of hundreds…

Genetic Superiority Means No Apologies

May 5, 2020 /

Trump will believe he’s good even after 3,000 Americans die every day.

Unemployment is worse in red states

May 4, 2020 /

Mitch McConnell says the GOP is in no mood for a “blue-state bailout.” I’d bet that mood is going to change quick. According to WalletHub, Kentucky is No. 3 among the states seeing biggest increases in unemployment as a result of the pandemic. Given that blue states like Connecticut send billions more to red states…

The GOP’s Anti-American Animus

May 4, 2020 /

Trump is the culmination of 40 years of sabotage.

The Biggest Political Story Isn’t What You Think

May 1, 2020 /

Millions believe self-sacrifice is necessary and right.