John Stoehr

John Stoehr is the editor of the Editorial Board. Find him .

Blood’s Got Nothing to Do with It

May 22, 2020 /

Don’t be like the rich.

Don’t miss another edition!

May 21, 2020 /

Only subscribers got to read today’s column about why it takes more than political pressure to turn your back on your country. It takes an overwhelming lust for power. Ron Johnson seems ready to go where Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky wouldn’t go, picking up where Donald Trump left off in attempting to betray the US…

No, GOP Senators Are Not Cowed

May 21, 2020 /

They are willingly deepening the roots of authoritarianism.

Why Trump’s Job Approval Never Moves Despite the Repeated Expression of His Criminal Mind

May 20, 2020 /

There’s probably nothing he can do, or fail to do, to change how people vote.

Pandemic Reveals That Without Suffering, Our Advanced Capitalist Society Would Collapse

May 19, 2020 /

The economy requires a working class without political power.

No, Protests Are Not a ‘Class Struggle’

May 18, 2020 /

Not the one you think it is. Here’s the real struggle.

Freedom Fighters? More Like Freeloaders

May 15, 2020 /

When it comes to masks, responsible law-abiding people are doing the work.

Do Not Presume a Fair Election

May 14, 2020 /

“Obamagate” is one reason why.

Who Are the Real Defenders of Life?

May 13, 2020 /

Blue-state civilization vs. red-state barbarism.

Trump, the Cowardly Anti-Obama

May 12, 2020 /

Poll shows increasing intolerance for the president’s weakness.