John Stoehr

John Stoehr is the editor of the Editorial Board. Find him .

Is This Regime Change?

June 4, 2020 /

The old order has entered a period of decay and illegitimacy.

Thanks to Donald Trump, White Americans Are Starting to Understand Why Black Lives Matter

June 3, 2020 /

With black Americans, they are calling for regime change.

It’s Clear Now That for Donald Trump, Political Power Grows Out of the Barrel of a Gun

June 2, 2020 /

This is what you’d expect from a president acquitted of treason.

Are cops being sincere?

June 1, 2020 /

In the Monday edition of the Editorial Board, I noted the different ways police departments are handling public outrage, some of it violent, over the murder of George Floyd by a white cop in Minneapolis. Some are flying the Thin Blue Line flag, a symbol of American fascism, while others, including here in New Haven,…

The Thin Blue Line Is Cracking. Good

June 1, 2020 /

Cops demonstrate two ways to engage Americans struggling for freedom.

Naming America’s Political Perverts

May 29, 2020 /

Another aspect of barbarism in the age of Donald Trump.

Trump Is Turning America into China

May 28, 2020 /

China’s dictator models the glories of the corporatist state.

Donald Trump and the Age of Barbarism

May 27, 2020 /

We can’t shame the GOP, but we can name their behavior.

Land of the Weak, Home of the Depraved

May 26, 2020 /

The Memorial Day Weekend showed us who we are.

Here’s what you missed!

May 22, 2020 /

Subscribers to the Editorial Board got to read today’s edition about why our current crisis of morality and democratic faith is best illustrated by a column in the Washington Post in which grown men and women pity themselves for having to do dishes. Citizens, or members of a political community, do what needs to be done…