John Stoehr

John Stoehr is the editor of the Editorial Board. Find him .

Democracy is a faith, too.

November 17, 2020 /

What many liberals get wrong about religion.

Together, we can build a better future

November 17, 2020 /

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Some choose death over democracy

November 16, 2020 /

It’s time to believe the unbelievable.

Trump punched cities. Cities punched back

November 13, 2020 /

In the end, there were more of us than there were of them.

Cosmopolitans took back the country

November 12, 2020 /

That’s the story no one’s talking about.

Open to all

November 11, 2020 /

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What ‘centrists’ don’t get about liberalism

November 11, 2020 /

Equality is the root of Democratic politics and policies.

Open to all is the right thing to do

November 10, 2020 /

But …

Call out McConnell’s treason

November 10, 2020 /

Lawful democratic outcomes are not debatable.

The old regime is dying hard

November 9, 2020 /

Black Lives Matter is the foundation of a truly new electorate.