John Stoehr

John Stoehr is the editor of the Editorial Board. Find him .

The whole truth about ‘cancel culture’

February 25, 2021 /

It seems new, but it’s old.

The truth about the minimum wage

February 24, 2021 /

Less talk about economics. More talk about freedom.

Does Biden have a Joe Manchin problem?

February 23, 2021 /

Not yet.

When the Golden Rule is used to silence dissent and protect the politically powerful

February 22, 2021 /

Truth can’t stop at the border of politeness.

Ted Cruz is afraid but not afraid enough

February 19, 2021 /

If anyone has no reason to fear democracy, it’s him.

Death is Limbaugh’s only accountability

February 18, 2021 /

His lies will be killing people long after he’s in the ground.

McConnell and Trump are not breaking up

February 18, 2021 /

María Isabel Puerta Riera says Trump chained the GOP to Christian nationalism.

Stop calling the GOP ‘conservative’

February 17, 2021 /

That’s the lesson today from Texas.

Fascists show that being American does not automatically mean believing in democracy

February 16, 2021 /

Respectable white people are seeing the truth.

Will the losers write the history of Donald Trump’s second impeachment acquittal?

February 15, 2021 /

Yes, because the truth is on their side.